Thứ Tư, tháng 11 03, 2010

Theme Mysterious Universe

Theme Mysterious Universe


* Head module 790px:

* Head module 610px:

* Head module150px:


.col-150 .rc_bd  .rc_bc .bd {background:transparent;}
.col-600 .rc_bd  .rc_bc .bd {background:transparent;}
.row-920 .rc_bd  .rc_bc .bd {background:transparent;}

.col-150 .rc_bd  .rc_bc .hd .titlebar .hd, .col-150 .rc_bd  .rc_bc .hd .titlebar{background:transparent;}
.col-600 .rc_bd  .rc_bc .hd .titlebar .hd, .col-600 .rc_bd  .rc_bc .hd .titlebar{background:transparent;}
.row-920 .rc_bd  .rc_bc .hd .titlebar .hd, .row-920 .rc_bd  .rc_bc .hd .titlebar{background:transparent;}

body.blog_my, body.blog_my_index, body.comment_listing, body.trackback_listing, body.blog_archives_folder, body.blog_archives_date , body.blog_archives_all, body.post_rte, body.post_doodle, body.guestbook, body.comment_list, body.subscribe_list, body.post_gb, body.profile_view,, body.photo_big, body.slideshow, body.photo_upload_pc, body.photo_upload_gallery {background:transparent url( center bottom;}html{background:url( Repeat fixed center;}

#head{background:url( center;height:473px;}

#blog_title .bd {font-size:0px;background:transparent;}
#blog_title h2 {color:#014E9A;font-size:0px;}

.col-150 .rc_bd div.rc_bc, 
.col-150 .rc_ft div, 
.col-150 .hd .titlebar, 
.col-150 .rc div, 
.col-150 .rc_bd .rc_bc .bd, 
.col-150 .rc_bd .rc_bc .hd .titlebar .hd, 
.col-150 .rc_bd .rc_bc .hd .titlebar, 
.col-600 .rc_bd  .rc_bc .bd {background:transparent;}

#comment_new .rc_bd div.rc_bc, 
#comment_new .rc_ft div, 
#comment_new .hd .titlebar, 
#comment_new .rc div, 
#comment_new .rc_bd .rc_bc .bd {background:transparent;}

#subscribe_highlight .rc_bd div.rc_bc, 
#subscribe_highlight .rc_ft div, 
#subscribe_highlight .hd .titlebar, 
#subscribe_highlight .rc div, 
#subscribe_highlight .rc_bd .rc_bc .bd {background:transparent;}
#subscribe_highlight .hd .titlebar .hd {height:27px;}

#article_new .rc_bd div.rc_bc, 
#article_new .rc_ft div, 
#article_new .hd .titlebar, 
#article_new .rc div, 
#article_new .rc_bd .rc_bc .bd {background:transparent;}

#search_module .rc_bd div.rc_bc, 
#search_module .rc_ft div, 
#search_module .hd .titlebar, 
#search_module .rc div, 
#search_module .rc_bd .rc_bc .bd {background:transparent;}

#calendar .rc_bd div.rc_bc, 
#calendar .rc_ft div, 
#calendar .rc div, 
#calendar .hd .titlebar .hd , 
#calendar .rc_bd .rc_bc .bd {background:transparent;}

#folder .rc_bd div.rc_bc, 
#folder .rc_ft div, 
#folder .hd .titlebar, 
#folder .rc div, 
#folder .rc_bd .rc_bc .bd {background:transparent;}

#update_date .rc_bd div.rc_bc, 
#update_date .rc_ft div, 
#update_date .hd .titlebar, 
#update_date .rc div, 
#update_date .rc_bd .rc_bc .bd {background:transparent;}

#statistic .rc_bd div.rc_bc, 
#statistic .rc_ft div, 
#statistic .hd .titlebar, 
#statistic .rc div, 
#statistic .rc_bd .rc_bc .bd {background:transparent;}

#friendlist_module .rc_bd div.rc_bc, 
#friendlist_module .rc_ft div, 
#friendlist_module .hd .titlebar, 
#friendlist_module .rc div, 
#friendlist_module .rc_bd .rc_bc .bd {background:transparent;}

#calendar .hd .titlebar .hd h2 {font-size:15px;color:#FFFFFF;}
#calendar .bd table {height:118px;background:transparent;}
#calendar .titlebar, 
#calendar .titlebar .bd a:hover{color:#FFFFD0;}
#calendar .hd, 
#calendar .titlebar .bd a {background:transparent;font-weight:bold;font-size:12px;color:#FF0000;}

.rc_hd div, 
.rc_bd .rc_bc, 
.rc_ft div

#blast .rc_hd, #blast .rc_hd div, #blast .rc_bd, #blast .rc_bc, #blast .rc_ft, #blast .rc_ft div, #blast .rc_bc .bd, #blast .tail {background:transparent;border-style:none;height:20px;}


.col-150 a , .col-600 a , .row-760 a, .row-920 a {text-decoration:none;}

.col-150 .rc_bd, 
#friendlist_module .rc_bd, 
#statistic .rc_bd, 
#update_date .rc_bd , 
#folder .rc_bd , 
#calendar .rc_bd , 
#search_module .rc_bd , 
#article_new .rc_bd , 
#subscribe_highlight .rc_bd , 
#comment_new .rc_bd {background:transparent url( repeat-y top center;}

.col-150 .rc_ft, 
#friendlist_module .rc_ft, 
#statistic .rc_ft, 
#update_date .rc_ft , 
#folder .rc_ft , 
#calendar .rc_ft , 
#search_module .rc_ft , 
#article_new .rc_ft , 
#subscribe_highlight .rc_ft , 
#comment_new .rc_ft {background:transparent url( no-repeat center top;height:38px;}

.col-150 .rc_hd {background:transparent url( no-repeat center bottom;height:60px;}
#article_new .rc_hd {background:transparent url( no-repeat center bottom;height:60px;}
#search_module .rc_hd {background:transparent url( no-repeat center bottom;height:60px;}
#calendar .rc_hd {background:transparent url( no-repeat center bottom;height:60px;}
#folder .rc_hd {background:transparent url( no-repeat center bottom;height:60px;}
#update_date .rc_hd {background:transparent url( no-repeat center bottom;height:60px;}
#statistic .rc_hd {background:transparent url( no-repeat center bottom;height:60px;}
#friendlist_module .rc_hd {background:transparent url( no-repeat center bottom;height:113px;}
#comment_new .rc_hd {background:transparent url( no-repeat center bottom;height:60px;}
#profile_highlight .rc_hd {background:transparent url( no-repeat center bottom;height:60px;}
#guestbook_entries .rc_hd {background:transparent url( no-repeat center bottom;height:60px;}

.col-150 .rc_bd .rc_bc .hd .titlebar .hd , 
#friendlist_module .hd .titlebar .hd , 
#statistic .hd .titlebar .hd , 
#update_date .hd .titlebar .hd , 
#folder .hd .titlebar .hd , 
#calendar .hd .titlebar, 
#search_module .hd .titlebar .hd , 
#article_new .hd .titlebar .hd , 
#subscribe_highlight .hd .titlebar .hd {background:transparent;}

a: {}
a:hover {color:#ffffff;}
a:hover {text-decoration:none;color:#AafBdE;text-decoration:none;font-weight:bold;background-image:url(;}

#statistic li{color:#ffffff;}
#calendar .hd {color:#ffffff;}
#calendar .hd .titlebar .bd a{color:#ffffff;}
#calendar th{color:#ffffff;}
#calendar td{color:#ffffff;}
#calendar td span a{color:#FFFFFF;}
#blast .bd {font-weight:bold;font-style:italic;color:#ffffff;text-decoration:blink;}
#blast .bd a {font-weight:bold;font-style:italic;color:#ffffff;text-decoration:blink;}
#profile_highlight .nickname, #profile_highlight .zodiac {text-decoration:blink;}
.col-150 .rc_bd .rc_bc .bd {color:#ffffff;}
.col-600 .rc_bd .rc_bc .bd, .col-600 .rc_bd .rc_bc .ft, .row-920 .rc_bd .rc_bc .bd, .row-920 .rc_bd .rc_bc .ft, .row-760 .rc_bd .rc_bc .bd, .row-760 .rc_bd .rc_bc .ft {color:#ffffff;}

#ygma .blogsrch .ipt, 
.blog_dummyselect .hd span, 
.blog_dummyselect .hd, 
.yuimenubar .hd u, 
.yuimenubar .hd b, 
.yuimenubar .hd i, 
.yuimenubarnav .yuimenubaritem
{background:transparent !important;}
.yuimenubarnav .yuimenubaritem, .yuimenubaritemlabel

#article_list_module .rc_hd {background:transparent url( no-repeat center bottom;height:104px;}
#article_list_module .rc_bd {background:transparent url( top center;}
.pagination {background:transparent;}
.col-600 .rc_bd .rc_bc .hd .titlebar, .row-920 .rc_bd .rc_bc .hd .titlebar, .row-760 .rc_bd .rc_bc .hd .titlebar {background:transparent;}
#article_list_module .rc_ft {background:transparent url( no-repeat center top;height:83px;}

.cmt-mod-alist #comments-listing .extend-hd, .cmt-mod-alist #comments-listing .extend-bd .alist-comment, #comment_container ul, #comment_container li, .multi-delete input.btn, .rte_toolbar{background:transparent;}
.cmt-mod-alist .comments-listing .hd, 
.cmt-mod-alist .comments-listing .bd{background:transparent !important;}
#bd .rte_toolbar {background:transparent;}
#bd .col-150 .mod_all .hd .titlebar h2 {font-size:0;}

#bd .col-600 .mod_all .hd .titlebar h2 {font-size:0;}
.mod-alist-searchbox form strong {text-decoration:blink;}


.backhome .cta-ss {background:transparent url( no-repeat center !important;height:50px;}

.backhome .cta-ss strong{background:transparent !important;}
.backhome .cta-ss em, .backhome .cta-ss strong{font-size:0;}

.col-600 .rc_hd {background:transparent url( no-repeat center;height:104px;}
.col-600 .rc_ft {background:transparent url( no-repeat center top;height:83px;}
.col-600 .rc_bd {background:transparent url( repeat-y top;}
.col-600 .rc_bd div.rc_bc, 
.col-600 .rc_ft div, 
.col-600 .rc div , 
.col-600 .rc_bd  .rc_bc .bd {background:transparent;}
.col-600 .rc_bd  .rc_bc .hd .titlebar {background:transparent;}

.cmt-mod-alist .add-comment .buttons input{background:url( no-repeat;}

.cmt-mod-alist .add-comment .buttons input:hover{background:url( no-repeat;}

.mod-alist-summary, .mod-alist-brief, .mod-alist-full {

#comment_container * a {color:#11EE3D;}#comment_container * .content {color:#ffffff;}#comments-listing * ins {color:#fff000;}

.mod-alist .rc_bd .bd .more-posts .mod-alist-manage ul li, .mod-alist .rc_bd .bd .more-posts .folder-icons .icon ul li {background:none;}
.mod-alist .rc_bd .bd .more-posts ul li{background:transparent url( no-repeat bottom center;border-style:none;}

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